Sunday, 3 March 2013


Hey everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that my camera arrived a few days ago! I've been mucking around with it, trying to learn how to use it properly but I suspect that might take a few months! I'm going to make this a short post but include a couple of pictures for your enjoyment. 

Here is the camera - isn't she a beauty? (Ignore the messy desk)

A pretty gorse bush - good macro capabilities!

A fishing lake, shame the sun wasn't out!
I will hopefully continue to post photography related posts on here from time to time, and if any of you have an idea for a name for the camera, please feel free to let me know in the comments below! I have also subscribed to PhotoPlus magazine, which is a photography magazine dedicated to Canon camera - none of that Nikon rubbish :P Hopefully it will help me improve faster than I would on my own.

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